Chronic Anxiety Therapy
Constant Anxiety feels truly awful. Though anxiety can seem mysterious, it doesn’t have to be. Anxiety is always carrying information for us if we know how to tune in and listen.
If you’re a plant lover like I am, you know that the little plant you purchase at the nursery will eventually need a new pot. It will grow, its roots filling up the space and using up the nutrients in the soil. If it’s left too long in the small pot, it becomes root-bound, ceasing to grow and eventually starting to decline. We’re the same way!
Chronic anxiety therapy is tending to ourselves, our growth, our struggles.
When you feel stuck or anxious, it’s a sign to check out both the roots and the circumstances. Your root health includes how the past impacts you today and going forward. It is essential to every other part of you.
Tangled, neglected roots contribute to a constant background anxiety. Unmet needs leave you feeling physically and emotionally uncomfortable. Coming into therapy, you might not yet know what you need, what you want, or how to adjust. That’s okay.
As a therapist, I help people figure out what they might need and want. I help identify what is happening with the root issues, use my expertise to help you mend and revitalize, and help you come to understand how you might need to adjust in caring for yourself.
In therapy, we bravely look at what you are unaware of, avoiding, or neglecting, and then collaboratively tend to whatever is there. I’m gentle and direct. I’ll share what I’m thinking, where we’re heading, what I think the trouble spots are, and where I see you making progress in our work together.
Change is scary. Like pruning a plant and repotting it, being patient with the process is essential. I have accompanied so many people in getting unstuck, healing, and flourishing successfully. If you put in the effort, you will see results.
You are made to grow and thrive. If you’re not, we can find out why together. If you’re ready to move in the direction of growth, schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation and we can set up a call to discuss how I can help.